St Andrews Hall - interior


Information for all users of Bellingen Uniting Church Properties

The Uniting Church shares its properties with community organisations at reasonable rates and requests that the following conditions are followed so that all users are not inconvenienced in any way.

At present the Worship area is kept for Church related activies – *Worship Services, Funerals etc.

Church functions always have priority but an alternative space for hirers will be found if possible.


Church Hall (rear building)


It is the responsibility of hirers to pick up keys from the Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre,near the Information Centre opposite the church in office hours. (9.30am to 3.30pm – closed for lunch)

To return the keys , they should be placed in the Church Office front door mail chute immediately after securing the properties The key holder is responsible for the security of the keys at all times.

NB: No extra keys may be cut at any time.


• The golden rule is “if you open it, you lock it”. This applies even if there are other users around. Do not rely on others thinking it is their responsibility.

In particular check that fans and light are off and doors secured correctly. (including toilets)

Op Shop


• The use of the kitchen will require an extra fee.

You may use the cupboards which are marked specifically for HIRERS.  You must provide your own tea, coffee, biscuits etc. and leave the kitchen benches and floors clean.

NB: Locked cupboards are for this church’s use only.


Hall: Any tables & chairs used should be stored in the storage room according to the instructions and photos on the door. Use the trolleys provided to protect the parquetry floor.

Worship Area: (Carpeted) must be left as set out for church services (see photo above the Air Conditioner coin box). The Projector in the Worship Centre is for CHURCH USE ONLY

Air conditioning: User pays system. Instructions on the coin unit. Stops automatically. Use $1 coins only

St Andrews: Floor must be left clean and chairs stacked (in 5s) at the rear of the room


Hirers will be invoiced when the booking is confirmed and prompt payment is appreciated. Details are on the invoices which will be emailed where possible.

An additional fee may be applied if the terms and conditions are not met by hirers.

Ross Gibson (Hiring Secretary)
Bellingen Church Council.